@swiftui @swift Exciting News! Just dropped Part 27 of my "Let's Build Pinterest clone Using SwiftUI and “firebase” playlist!
Dive deeper into Swift development as we take our app to the next level.
Check it out now and let's code together!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oX6IeCPhJzE #swiftui #swift #swiftlang #iosdev #ios18 #iOS
Wesley de Groot's Blog shares favorite macOS terminal commands for enabling/disabling beta updates, Xcode... https://wesleydegroot.nl/blog/macOS-Terminal-commands #blog #programming #iosdev #swiftlang
My first newsletter will be going out on Wednesday, so if you want to receive the inaugural edition right to your mailbox, subscribe at https://stewartlynch.kit.com/
I have heard that confirmation emails for some are going to junk mail so check that out. #iOSDev #Swift #SwiftUI
Tomorrow, I hope to have much more time, and I plan to do a cleanup of remaining views so that on Wednesday, I can focus on the paywall and start thinking about App Store screenshots, descriptions, etc.
#BuildInPublic #IndieHacker #iOSDev #IndieDev
I’ve just released a new update to MovieWeekly!
This update adds home screen widgets, letting you quickly see a movie from your tracked list and how many days remain until its release. You can even choose which movie to display for easy access!
Big thanks to @StewartLynch for his great tutorials (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBn01m5Vbs4BBJTDI-9akcqD7iMTZGI9W) that helped me implement this!
I’d love to get feedback, feel free to join the beta and try it out: https://testflight.apple.com/join/RMhKXGTM
Want a cleaner, more maintainable TabView in SwiftUI?
In this video, I’ll show you how to power your tabs with enums that conform to View for a more efficient & scalable approach!
@swiftui @swift Exciting News! Just dropped Part 26 of my "Let's Build Pinterest clone Using SwiftUI and “firebase” playlist!
Dive deeper into Swift development as we take our app to the next level.
Check it out now and let's code together!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFquXvM-Ibc #swiftui #swiftlang #swift #iosdev #ios18 #iOS
iOS Dev Weekly – Issue 702 is out! Happy Friday everyone
@swiftui @swift Exciting News! Just dropped Part 25 of my "Let's Build Pinterest clone Using SwiftUI and “firebase” playlist!
Dive deeper into Swift development as we take our app to the next level.
Check it out now and let's code together!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9sNsyRs3WI #swiftui #swift #swiftlang #iosdev #ios18 #iOS
Recently been seeing a physio to help deal with some pain in my leg. As part of this she asked me to document the pain between sessions. This spurred on the idea of building an app to do exactly that. This is what I’ve done so far. Just basic tracking and soon some charting. Not sure if I’ll release it or not. But it sure is useful to me! #iosdev #BuildInPublic #swift
Is it true SafariExtensions on iOS can't deep link into the main app? Looks like the only option is to present a popup with a HTML button that the user has to tap to open the main app
@swiftui @swift Exciting News! Just dropped Part 24 of my "Let's Build Pinterest clone Using SwiftUI and “firebase” playlist!
Dive deeper into Swift development as we take our app to the next level.
Check it out now and let's code together!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFLtLmFJ-mM #swiftui #swift #swiftlang #iosdev #ios18 #iOS
In the latest "Hello Developer" email from Apple Developer, they include the "Games Pathway" and there is no mention of SpriteKit or SceneKit in pathway. I heard on @swiftovercoffee @twostraws bring up that maybe they were indeed abandoned, but this seems to confirm it ...
@swiftui @swift Exciting News! Just dropped Part 23 of my "Let's Build Pinterest clone Using SwiftUI and “firebase” playlist!
Dive deeper into Swift development as we take our app to the next level.
Check it out now and let's code together!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJ7DHyzxG6o #swift #swiftui #swiftlang #iosdev #ios18 #iOS
JavaScriptCore is a framework that allows developers to run JavaScript code within macOS and iOS applications.... https://wesleydegroot.nl/blog/JavaScriptCore #blog #programming #iosdev #swiftlang
Today's fun, update an open source package. #iOSDev
@swiftui @swift Exciting News! Just dropped Part 22 of my "Let's Build Pinterest clone Using SwiftUI and “firebase” playlist!
Dive deeper into Swift development as we take our app to the next level.
Check it out now and let's code together!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUYVPXAaq7o #swift #swiftui #swiftlang #iosdev #ios18 #iOS