My only issue with #DeltaChat is that it's not compatible with #ProtonMail or #Tutanota. I think that's more of an issue with Proton and Tuta than it is DeltaChat, however.
My only issue with #DeltaChat is that it's not compatible with #ProtonMail or #Tutanota. I think that's more of an issue with Proton and Tuta than it is DeltaChat, however.
@Cnoceda you can use your own email account or server as long as the provider allows you to use 3rd party email clients (ex. #outlook doesn't work, #protonmail and #tutanota doesn't allow it, etc)
About #ArcaneChat, yes you can import your profile from #DeltaChat
to ArcaneChat and the other way around, they are fully compatible
@MissGayle no, the servers don't even allow to send emails unencrypted, so all the emails must be e2e encrypted, there is no data mining, in fact the #ArcaneChat and #DeltaChat apps focus on removing all possible metadata from email even if you use them with ex. #gmail, you don't even need to use server, you can even setup your own, unlike #protonmail and #tutanota, this is not a silo that requires to use their specific app with their specific central server
@Tutanota Hello, last month, I canceled my subscription before it expired. So the payment would not automatically renew. Yesterday, when I logged into my account, I received a warning that I would not be able to receive or send emails unless I paid. So I decided to renew my entire subscription. I paid for 1 year. But today I saw that it was still on the Free plan. So I can't write to you directly. Please solve the problem. #tuta #tutanota
Took a while, but I finally installed Nextcloud on my home server. Have to say, after some hefty configuration, this is really great. It's a nice replacement for Google Drive. It even supports 2FA!
Now the real challenge is going to be migrating all of my accounts that use my Gmail address to Tutanota.
I have been looking for a free email provider, and thought I'd give Tuta a try. As I understand, they don't support any email standards like pop3 or imap4, you have to use their software. But I'm on Linux, that could be a problem.
Looks like they have a Linux download, let me just take a look. Ah, an AppImage.
./tuta --appimage-extract
Will you look at that, a bunch of files naned Electron*. an Chromium*.
Look, if I wanted Google to get their grubby paws on my email, I would use Gmail...
rm -r tuta*
"Signal, ProtonMail czy Tutanota".
Nie powiem, zaskoczyło mnie to. Rzekomo, polski wywiad używał tych narzędzi do komunikacji w Kijowie, w okolicach wybuchu wojny w 2022 roku.
Czytam o tym w książce "Polska na wojnie", Zbigniewa Parafianowicza. #Polska #Ukraina #Signal #ProtonMail #Tutanota
Please be aware that there is a nefarious e-mail targeting @Tutanota users.
The sender is "" (or variations thereof), and there is a pdf attached.
Do *NOT* download and/or open the pdf.
Mark as spam/phishing and delete.
Hallo Tuta Team!
Ich dachte, es sollte aber diesem Jahr keine unerwünschte Werbung mehr von euch für zahlende Kunden geben?
Jetzt habe ich wieder die neue Nachricht "Spread Love & Tuta Updates / s.u. für deutsche Version" von euch erhalten.
Ich möchte das **nicht** … wieso ist es so schwer, seine zahlenden Nutzenden bei sowas eine Wahl zu lassen, ob sie das wollen oder nicht?
Inzwischen empfinde ich es als #Belästigung, denn ich kann es weder filtern noch abschalten.
Möchtet ihr mich zukünftig nicht als zahlenden Kunden?
Ich bin sauer!
Registered for #tutanota mail today, tested it, liked it. 3 dollar per month seems fair (after all, I just want mail - no VPN, no password manager, no bullshit) Wanted to import my existing mails, but that is only possible if I pay $9 per month.
Sorry, @Tutanota. But that's greedy. If I cannot import my mails as a paying customer and have to keep my old provider for mail history, than I won't switch. I don't want to pay for 2 accounts.
My look into #tutanota didn't have to go very far to hit a snag:
Seems a #Canadian police mounty in intelligence, arrested in 2019, testified in 2023 that tutanota was specifically a #honeypot
#email #selfhost #communityhost #circlesofcareethics
I have asked the sales support of @Tutanota repeatedly for clarification on potential #securityrisks in their system. After three attempts privately I ask these questions publicly now:
Consider key verification when assessing your threat model with the use of Tuta.
"...identity keys are delivered by the server and there are currently no means to verify them."
Threat model:
@Tutanota I'm getting an SSL related error when attempting to download your windows client. Tested in both Firefox and Chrome on Windows 11. I'm on a Comcast connection in the PNW.
Looking to stop using #Gmail as my primary email service.
Has anyone used #Tuta (was #Tutanota)? It seems like they offer a good service. Any issues with it I should be aware of?
Obviously, changing email providers is no small task, so I want do as much as I can to make sure I'm picking the right service. Also plan on using a custom domain so I guess that'll make a switch in the future much easier.
@Tutanota Just switched over from Proton and so far liking the service, but I've sent two messages to support since I created my account yesterday asking for family mode to be enabled on my account with no response back. I've got mailboxes to set up and right now some are bouncing.
If you want my ongoing business, you're going to have to do better at support than this level of responsiveness.
@Tutanota ist das eurer Ernst, das ich für einen Mailimport auch ein größer Abo wechseln muss? Eine Standardfunktion und ihr wollt dafür noch mehr Geld? Echt jetzt. Ich verstehe das echt nicht.