Cleaning dust from my old #raspberrypi zero - going to try to install #honeypot on it for my local network for port scanning detection and similar stuff.
Cleaning dust from my old #raspberrypi zero - going to try to install #honeypot on it for my local network for port scanning detection and similar stuff. @bacwberlin Der weiße Pferdecontainer wurde ja gestern auf meine Aufforderung an die Truppen der 110 kostenpflichtig um 5 Meter aus dem Kreuzungsbereich nach links versetzt - um dem nächsten PKW Platz zu machen, dessen Besitzy auch gerne mal die Konsequenzen der #Wochendbrigade der am eigenen Geldbeutel erleben wollte ... 110 anruf, VBH- Meldung #honeypot Regensburger @falschparkenber
@ct_Magazin bitte nicht,
"Wer einmal in den #Honigtopf hereingreift, der fällt ganz schnell herein" auf dieses m.M.n. vergiftete Angebot. .... So #trottelig seid Ihr dich bitte nicht wirklich. Denn beim ersten Zufassen gebt Ihr Eure Hoheit an (noch Euren) Daten ab in die us-Oligarchie und #TRUMPelTier e ;
#honeypot #MS-Office #MS #Office365 ...
please think, before you do something you couldn't overview. You will lose track of your data everywhere and in the cyberspace
#DataPrivacy #MAGA aficionado
#ProtonMail has made a name for itself with its data privacy.
In the face of past compliance with foreign law enforcement and its #MAGA leaning #CEO could it become a #Honeypot for governments due to its particular clientele?
ICYMI, via
"Proton Mail Faces Backlash Over Claims of Political Neutrality Amid CEO’s Praise for Republican Party
by #AnochieEsther
January 30, 2025
Nasilenie ataków brute force przeciw urządzeniom sieciowym – nawet 2,8 mln zaangażowanych adresów IP
The Shadowserver Foundation informuje o ataku brute force wymierzonym przeciwko urządzeniom sieciowym, w szczególności urządzeniom VPN firm Palo Alto, Ivanti, SonicWall. Według danych pochodzących z systemów honeypot, prezentowanych przez ich platformę monitoringową, nasilenie ataków trwa od końca stycznia. Liczba adresów IP zaangażowanych w atak sięga w szczycie nawet 2,8 mln w...
Hackaday Links: February 9, 2025 - January 9 ended up being a very expensive day for a Culver City, California man af... - #hackadaycolumns #termsofservice #hackadaylinks #northamerica #superscooper #continent #emergency #honeypot #amradio #geology #slider #europe #tarpit #drone #eula #fine #bot #llm #tos
Les gens qui quittent Google pour Proton "passeke tu comprends faut pas mettre les oeufs dans le même panier".
Also Proton:
- email
- calendar
- drive
- passwords
- BTC wallet
Someone just reached out to me asking to attach my name to a local #protest on social media. Yeah, no. If you want me to participate in your protest, we need to have known each other prior to the protest announcement.
Careful out there, folks. I sense a lot of astroturfing and “amateur organizing” going on. Don’t get yourself into trouble for nothing, and more importantly, don’t get swept up in a #honeypot operation. I know you’re mad (so am I) but as always, BE STRATEGIC. Don’t lose your cool.
I’m not discouraging you from protesting! But before you sign up, make sure you KNOW YOUR ORGANIZER and what kind of event they are trying to organize. Don’t be a sucker.
My look into #tutanota didn't have to go very far to hit a snag:
Seems a #Canadian police mounty in intelligence, arrested in 2019, testified in 2023 that tutanota was specifically a #honeypot
#email #selfhost #communityhost #circlesofcareethics
Just FYI, the Canadian equivalent of the FBI says tuta is a #honeypot.
Obviously tuta deny it, but their rebuttal is pretty thin.
No one seems to take this seriously, though, so who knows?
High-level Canadian intelligence officer Cameron Ortiz claimed it is a #honeypot op:
Oh nooo :(
I've heard good things about #tutaMail. It appears to be #openSource.
I do seem to remember possibly hearing something similar to what's happening now to proton happening to them though... I'm digging around for it.
*edit: oh right... It's a #honeypot set up (at least in part) by my government:
Additionally, it was never actually open source, either.
Was ist da in der #Markelstraße los (die ich kenne)?
Diese scheint ja *) ein #Honeypot zu sein, dumm nur, wenn niemand (Anwohnys, Polizei **), Kob) das mal entsprechend kriminalistisch ausnutzt und die Gangster festsetzt.
Siehe auch meinen Hashtag #Fahrradfalle für manipulierte bzw. unsichere Radabstellanlagen, speziell für #SCC.
*) seit Jahren. Einem Freund wurde auch gleich beim Erstbesuch sein E-Bike dort geklaut.
**) A45 tel:+49304664445700
(This has so many advantages; it really is money well spent. For one, you can use it to argue that you’re not a monopoly – though, as recent rulings have shown, within limits. Then, you can have that champion of Definitely The Opposite Of Horrible Thing X advocate for self-regulation tactics like Do Not Track that stave off regulation for years, perhaps even a decade if you’re lucky. But that’s not all. You also gain a voice that can lobby softly for lack of regulation at institutions like the EU when your direct lobbying might be more suspect. Not to mention a honeypot that can attract people who actually care about the issues and keep them busy on projects you know won’t make a real difference. But, whatever you do, do train your future heads of public policy better so they don’t beg their friends at conferences they’re both speaking at to “go easier on us”, proclaiming “I don’t know why you’re holding to us such a higher standard, we’re just another Silicon Valley tech company.” Because those quiet parts should never be spoken out loud. Tsk, tsk.)
If you want to continue doing Horrible Thing X, you must ensure you invest not only in Horrible Thing X but in the most visible opposition to Horrible Thing X. Ideally, that opposition should owe its continued existence to you and to Horrible Thing X.
So, for example, if you’re a surveillance capitalist like Google, you should ensure that Mozilla owes its existence to you and to surveillance capitalism by funding them with roughly half a billion dollars every year. Which, thankfully, Google being the smart and cunning people they are, they are already doing.
#PayPal 's #Honey Service is allegedly one of the biggest scams for users AND creators. It:
- Replaces original affiliate links at checkout with their own, shifting commission away from creators to PayPal
- Applies worse coupons than there are available in the open internet
- Incentivizes usage by giving a fraction of the "stolen" comission to the user in form of "points"
- Lies about these facts in ads
Credit to Megalag:
Share, if you care
#Honeypot #enshittification
If Mozilla are activists, I’m a mushroom.