I have asked the sales support of @Tutanota repeatedly for clarification on potential #securityrisks in their system. After three attempts privately I ask these questions publicly now:
I have asked the sales support of @Tutanota repeatedly for clarification on potential #securityrisks in their system. After three attempts privately I ask these questions publicly now:
@axios : I would have boosted your toot if it had not contained a t.co link.
Using URL shorteners leads to unneccesary privacy risks for internet users, while they *and you* have no warranties that each clicking user will actually be forwarded to your website.
Mastodon excellently truncates URL's. Below I've changed https into hxxps to prevent Mastodon from truncating it (and making it clickable) in 1), while following 2) is the original URL:
1) hxxps://www.axios.com/2024/09/18/hezbollah-pager-explosions-israel-suspicions
2) https://www.axios.com/2024/09/18/hezbollah-pager-explosions-israel-suspicions
Please stop using URL-shorteners on Mastodon, or risk getting muted or even blocked by security/privacy aware readers.
New Podcast Episode Alert!
The TikTok CEO Testimony, ChatGPT's Privacy Risks, and Inaudible Ultrasound Attacks!
We also explore the controversial RESTRICT Act, which would give the Commerce Department the power to ban apps and make bypassing restrictions a federal felony. Critics argue that this act is a naked power grab and an overreach of government authority.
Tom and Kevin also discuss concerns that AI language models like ChatGPT could be a privacy risk for businesses as well as individuals.
Also listen as we also experience "cohost ping pong" as we alternate between Scott and Kevin, yet never have them both together. Don't miss our discussion about the possibility of recording a future podcast episode at Scott's house and the importance of bringing cookies to the gathering.
Join us for these fascinating discussions and more in this week's episode!
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