Ah, what a nice grey, rainy afternoon to sit by the window with a hot drink and write a story where I fucking ruin Applejack's life
Ah, what a nice grey, rainy afternoon to sit by the window with a hot drink and write a story where I fucking ruin Applejack's life
Another #illustration for my #MonsterHunter #Fanfiction (https://is-a.cat/@madargon/113448920053510015) which turned into big negative emotions release.
Scientist Bahari from Monster Hunter Rise and my original character Miraldi. In my story one night Bahari followed Miraldi when she was sneaking into the forest and later found her, with Qurio swarm feeding on her. Miraldi was kind of embarrassed and started wondering about accidents, destiny and her past, finally thought she could thank fate for leading her to this point. Bahari, in half-joking way, asked her if she would become stronger than plague in next step. Miraldi thought that there is no way to make it possible.
Be right back. I'm making #Fanfiction of John Mastodon and Mastodon https://www.loudersound.com/news/mastodon-announce-departure-of-guitarist-brent-hinds #FanFiction
#Typo of the day
I am currently writing a #fanfiction and wanted to write someone saying, "That ship has sailed long ago."
What I did write was, "That sail has shipped long ago."
Honestly? Some of the best books lately, all DRM Free, have been free fanfiction books I've downloaded from Archive of Our Own. #FanFiction #DRM #DRMFree #EBooks @bookstodon @reading #FreeBooks
¿Quién jala?
La idea es que nos agrupemos un par de autores, pasemos las obras con summary y link, se sortee el orden de las novelas a leer. Dependiendo del largo de la obra se le pueden dedicar dos o tres sesiones. Entonces cada semana en nuestras casitas o donde estemos leemos la obra, pudiendo tomar notas, luego un día y hora concreto nos reunimos todos a comentar la obra y darle feedback al autor.
Para nada le estoy robando la idea a Seve, ustedes no vieron nada
En el caso de los que somos fickers que la obra a dar sea generalista, es decir, que se pueda leer como una obra original o en su defecto dar el background previo que permita entender la obra sin que "TE TIENES QUE VER LOS MÁS DE MIL CAPÍTULOS DE ONE PIECE Y LAS PELIS PARA PODER ENTENDERLE"
Y no, no pienso aceptar prejuicios ante la escritura transformativa, por eso mismo me parece importante que autores de la misma puedan ser parte de esta dinámica.
Me conformo con poder arrancar el proyecto con 5 personas a parte de mi
#bookstodon #libros #obras #novelas #literatura #circulolectura #clubdelectura #fediverso #fanfiction #fanfics #cuentos #antologia #wattpad #inkitt #ao3 #autopublicacion #autor #resenas #ficción
Seasons of Ranma: Exploring the "Ranma ½" Fanfiction of the 1990s: This week, we have an article by Adam Wescott that explores the history and legacy of the Ranma 1/2 fanfic community, the scene's exploration of topics like gender and character, and how it's evolved since the '90s.
Having fun reading this Fourth Wing adaptation of Legally Blonde https://archiveofourown.org/works/59406748?view_full_work=true #Humor #Fanfiction #Movie #Film
The amazing feeling of discovering that The Archive Of Our Own has a character tag for "Fediverse Network/Mastadon Platform (Anthropomorphic)", followed by the disappointment of finding only a single #fanfic using that tag. I wanted to read a bunch of erotic #Misskey #fanfiction about all that forking! Maybe a #GnuSocial #Pleroma slashfic! Or some #GoToSocial and #Mastodon lemons. A #hubzilla and #friendica hurt/comfort fanfic anyone? C'mon, people. The fact a tag exists means we should use it. archiveofourown.org/tags/Fediverse%20Network*s*Mastadon%20Platform%20(Anthropomorphic)/works
Finally getting down to organizing my #AO3 Bookmarks! Instead of using it like a giant read later space I am actually using it to keep works and series I love. I turned on my history and am actually using the mark for later reading link! YAY! I sent them an email about their RSS feeds not working, at least in Miniflux, but for now I can check manually. I've honestly been reading more fanfiction lately than published books. #Fanfiction #RSS #Miniflux #AOO3
Absolutely, 100% correct. The same for #Fanfiction, BTW. If you think that anybody will read your story among 559,049 stories just in the #HarryPotter fandom just on #AO3, you are delusional. You write because it is fun. And perhaps somebody would show up, but they won’t.
Another #illustration for my #MonsterHunter #Fanfiction (https://is-a.cat/@madargon/113448920053510015) which turned into big negative emotions release.
My original characters, Miraldi, young Vyverian woman and Oriol, beginning hunter. During their travel to Elgado Outpost they talked about Miraldi's lost father, liar, cheater and cause of all misfortune which affected her family. Miraldi showed silver pendant with her ancestors' symbol, one thing she inherited from father. She believed it could somehow help her find her forgotten family history.
In my story she said these words with bitter sarcastic tone.
Over the last couple of weeks, I read two fanfictions by a single fanfic writer. Both very wholesome, with a m/f pairing, both with the length of a short novel or novella (ca 25000 to 30 000 words).
I haven't read a lot of fanfictions, but I like the style of this writer. She is currently working on another fanfiction which will be of a similar length and I look forward to reading it. The writer is focussing on characters played by #DanStevens.
#PennedPossibilities 575 — Random: Do you currently have any ideas (for WIPs) you just can’t let go of? Is there anything you’re dying to write?
Ironically, I actually do. How funny that this prompt was for tonight. There's an idea I've had for a while now and it's an itch that I might need to scratch. It's something in the #StarWars universe, though, so it's #fanfiction, not original—although an MC is my own creation. Here's my idea: Nolana Disa (a Zeltron woman) was once a Jedi Knight. Years later, she turned Sith. She becomes the personal security officer to Grand Moff Tarkin (Wilhuff Tarkin) and her life changes completely.
Canon info: Wilhuff married a woman named Thalassa only for power, not for love. He had an affair with Natasi Daala (a woman he took under his wing) while he was still married. Natasi was promoted to admiral by him. Shortly thereafter, she was sent to oversee the top-secret Imperial research facility known as the Maw Installation. As for Thalassa Tarkin, she remained supportive of her husband and the Empire, even after his death aboard the Death Star. There's more to it, but yes, there we are.
So, my idea... Nolana and Wilhuff would make an interesting pairing. I like the thought of her already. Headstrong, powerful, a good guard, a Force-user, eager to learn from him, etc. I smell another affair for the Grand Moff...
Should I write it? I've had this idea for months and months.
Hey everyone, it's new article day!
This week, we have an article by Adam Wescott that explores the history and legacy of the Ranma 1/2 fanfic community, the scene's exploration of topics like gender and character, and how it's evolved since the '90s.
It's a great read we hope you enjoy!
Instead of an #introduction post, I'm just going to put a whole bunch of tags in here: