Germany posed to regulate automated credit scoring #creditrating #GDPR #GeneralDataProtectionRegulation
Germany posed to regulate automated credit scoring #creditrating #GDPR #GeneralDataProtectionRegulation
Cops’ favorite face image search engine fined $33M for privacy violation - Enlarge (credit: EyeEm Mobile GmbH | iStock / Getty Images Plus)
... - #generaldataprotectionregulation #artificialintelligence #onlinesurveillance #policesurveillance #facialrecognition #masssurveillance #europeanunion #faceimagedata #facescans #policy #gdpr #ai
Uber Fined $324 Million by Dutch Watchdog Over Driver Data Protection - The authorities in the Netherlands said the ride-hailing company had violated European da... - #generaldataprotectionregulation(gdpr) #regulationandderegulationofindustry #ubertechnologiesinc #netherlands #privacy
Meta risks sanctions over “sneaky” ad-free plans confusing users, EU says - Enlarge (credit: Bloomberg / Contributor | Bloomberg)
The Euro... - #generaldataprotectionregulation #consumerprotectionlaws #digitalservicesact #europeancommission #digitalmarketsact #europeanunion #onlineprivacy #instagram #facebook #policy #meta
Meta halts plans to train AI on Facebook, Instagram posts in EU - Enlarge (credit: GreyParrot | iStock / Getty Images Plus)
Meta... - #generaldataprotectionregulation #europeanunion #onlineprivacy #instagram #facebook #policy #gdpr #meta #noyb
Can I Opt Out of Meta’s A.I. Scraping on Instagram and Facebook? Sort of ... - Social media users voiced worries about a move by Meta to use information from public Ins... - #generaldataprotectionregulation(gdpr) #computersandtheinternet #artificialintelligence #contenttype:service #mobileapplications #metaplatformsinc #privacycenter #instagraminc #unitedstates #socialmedia #facebookinc #software #privacy #europe
Meta uses “dark patterns” to thwart AI opt-outs in EU, complaint says - Enlarge (credit: Boris Zhitkov | Moment)
The European Center f... - #generaldataprotectionregulation #artificialintelligence #europeanunion #generativeai #dataprivacy #instagram #facebook #chatbot #policy #metaai #gdpr #meta
Facebook, Instagram may cut fees by nearly 50% in scramble for DMA compliance - Enlarge (credit: NurPhoto / Contributor | NurPhoto)
Meta is co... - #generaldataprotectionregulation #facebookmarketplace #digitalmarketsact #facebookmessenger #europeanunion #onlineprivacy #instagram #facebook #policy #gdpr #meta #dma
Vending machine error reveals secret face image database of college students - Enlarge (credit: Aurich Lawson | Mars | Getty Images)
Canada-b... - #generaldataprotectionregulation #facialrecognitiondata #smartvendingmachines #universityofwaterloo #vendingmachines #biometricdata #europeanunion #faceimagedata #marscandies #policy #canada #gdpr #mms
Concerns raised over UK Data Protection Bill’s impact on EU’s GDPR #dataprotection #GDPR #GeneralDataProtectionRegulation
Meta relents to EU, allows unlinking of Facebook and Instagram accounts - Enlarge (credit: Anadolu / Contributor | Anadolu)
Meta will al... - #generaldataprotectionregulation #anticompetitivebehavior #digitalmarketsact #onlineadvertising #anti-competition #europeanunion #onlineprivacy #antitrustlaw #instagram #facebook #policy #gdpr #meta #dma #eu
E.U. Law Sets the Stage for a Clash Over Disinformation - The law, aimed at forcing social media giants to adopt new policies to curb harmful conte... - #generaldataprotectionregulation(gdpr) #regulationandderegulationofindustry #freedomofspeechandexpression #rumorsandmisinformation #europeancommission #lawandlegislation #caputovazuzana #socialmedia #censorship #slovakia #europe
Meta May Offer Ad-Free Subscriptions for Instagram and Facebook in the E.U. - The subscription plan is a response to European Union policies and court rulings to restr... - #generaldataprotectionregulation(gdpr) #regulationandderegulationofindustry #computersandtheinternet #mobileapplications #fines(penalties) #instantmessaging #metaplatformsinc #europeanunion #instagraminc #socialmedia #facebookinc
Meta loses battle in EU, will ask for consent to show personalized ads - Enlarge (credit: NurPhoto / Contributor | NurPhoto)
After five... - #generaldataprotectionregulation #onlineadvertising #europeanunion #dataprivacy #instagram #facebook #policy #gdpr #meta #eu
When the #EU passed its landmark #GeneralDataProtectionRegulation (#GDPR), it seemed like a #privacy miracle. Despite the most aggressive lobbying Europe had ever seen, 500 million Europeans were now guaranteed a digital private life. Could this really be?
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
How the Netherlands Is Taming Big Tech - Dutch privacy negotiators have spurred major changes at Google, Microsoft and Zoom, using... - #generaldataprotectionregulation(gdpr) #regulationandderegulationofindustry #computersandtheinternet #zoomvideocommunications #educationtechnology #education(k-12) #googleworkspace #googleclassroom #europeanunion #microsoftcorp #netherlands #e-learning #googleinc
After $414M fine, Meta tries to avoid seeking user consent for personalized ads - Enlarge (credit: FRANCESCO ZERILLI/ZERILLIMEDIA/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY |... - #generaldataprotectionregulation #dataprotectioncommission #meta.facebook.instagram #personalizedadvertising #dataprivacy #policy #gdpr
Meta Fined $414 Million After Ad Practices Ruled Illegal Under EU Law - The decision is one of the most consequential issued under the E.U.’s landmark data-prote... - #generaldataprotectionregulation(gdpr) #regulationandderegulationofindustry #data-mininganddatabasemarketing #computersandtheinternet #advertisingandmarketing #fines(penalties) #metaplatformsinc #europeanunion #instagraminc #socialmedia #privacy
Meta Fined $414 Million After Ad Practices Ruled Illegal Under EU Law - The decision is one of the most consequential issued under the E.U.’s landmark data-prote... - #generaldataprotectionregulation(gdpr) #regulationandderegulationofindustry #data-mininganddatabasemarketing #computersandtheinternet #advertisingandmarketing #fines(penalties) #metaplatformsinc #europeanunion #instagraminc #socialmedia #facebookinc