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It's Monday so it's time for #MoodMusicMonday! Today's mood is "fuzzy!"

Post a song/songs that you think fit "fuzzy"! It can be about feeling fuzzy in your brain, or warm and fuzzy in your heart, it can be about being fuzzy, or fuzzy animals or maybe the history of the song is fuzzy or whatever! The song can itself could sound fuzzy or just remind you of fuzziness. You can interpret the mood any way you want!

There are no wrong answers!

Remember to include the hashtag #MoodMusicMonday and the mood "fuzzy".


Wednesday evening listening:
”David Lynch's Mulholland Dr.” soundtrack

The bulk of the record consists of Angelo Badalamenti serving his signature moody, droning ambient synths and string stuff performed with the Prague Philharmonic. There are also a couple of distorted bluesy guitar jams performed by Mr. Lynch himself with John Neff. These tracks, "Pretty 50s", "Go Get Some" and "Mountains Falling" were also released on the "BlueBOB" album in 2001. I've seen the film maybe a dozen times but can't actually recall if these tracks appear in it. They seem a little out of place here.

Rebekah del Rio’s #RoyOrbison cover "Llorando" is also very powerful as anyone who has seen the film knows. However overall not as essential as a standalone record as other Lynch stuff (for example the Twin Peaks soundtracks) but still OK. I might need to rewatch the film in the near future.

It's Monday so it's time for #MoodMusicMonday! Today's mood is "messy"!

Post a song/songs that you think fit "messy"! It can be about being messy, that you put on when you feel messy, it can be about emotionally feeling messy or about physical messiness or cleaning up or whatever! The song can itself be a mess, or maybe the making of the song has a messy history, or there's a messy story around it. You can interpret the mood any way you want!

There are no wrong answers!

Remember to include the hashtag #MoodMusicMonday and the mood "messy".


It's Monday so it's time for #MoodMusicMonday! In honour of the worst February I've ever experienced in my life, today's mood is "dreary".

Post a song/songs that you think fit "dreary". It can be about dreariness, sound dreary, be done during a dreary part of a band/singer's career, or you can go the opposite and it can be something that snaps you out of being dreary!

There are no wrong answers!

Remember to include the hashtag #MoodMusicMonday and the mood "dreary".


The threat of shutting down Starlink to Ukraine is one of the best advertisements for #OwnYourData - that I've been advocating for many, many years. Geopolitical and commercial changes can be unpredictable and sudden.

Some clients are finally deciding to move to infrastructures under their control (even if not in their offices, and in many cases, I can agree).
So here's the suitable soundtrack.


Songlink/OdesliGet Off Of My Cloud - (Original Single Mono Version) by The Rolling StonesListen now on your favorite streaming service. Powered by Songlink/Odesli, an on-demand, customizable smart link service to help you share songs, albums, podcasts and more.

Heute schonmal kurz auf der #DeDeCo25 vorbeigeschnuppert und Badge abgeholt. Aber jetzt wird nochmal ein bisschen geübt für morgen. Gibt viele Lieder die unsere Kleingruppe zum ersten Mal aufführt :blobcatpeekaboo: Samstag 22.02. 19 Uhr auf der kleinen Bühne. Kommt vorbei :blobcatchristmasglowsticks: dedeco-online.de/de/convention
#Dresden #dedeco #acappella #soundtrack #cosplay #musik #Gesang #chor

I’m listening to The Music of Star Trek by The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra and I have to say the obvious: Jerry Goldsmith was an alien entity who came to bring joy to this f_ckin’ planet.


#startrek #allstartrek #music #soundtrack @allstartrek

Apple Music — versão webThe Music of Star Trek de The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra no Apple MusicÁlbum · 2009 · 22 músicas

It's Monday so it's time for #MoodMusicMonday! This week's mood is "submissive" for no real reason.

Post a song/songs that you think fit "submissive", it can be about submission or feeling submissive, something made as a firm of submission, about a submissive character, or even defiance against being submissive, or any other interpretations you have.

There are no wrong answers!

Remember to include the hashtag #MoodMusicMonday and the mood "submissive".


🇬🇧 As my second entry for my #VGMWednesday creepy month, I want to share the #soundtrack of perhaps the scariest villains in all of #FireEmblem: the Loptous Sect from FE: Genealogy of the Holy War.
FE has had its fair share of evil wizards, but none of them give me the creeps quite the same way as the Loptous Cult does. Fittingly, they also have a truly ominous, menacing-sounding theme that perfectly sets the mood for their twisted schemes.

🇩🇪 Als zweiten Beitrag für meinen #VGM Wednesday Creepy-Monat möchte ich den Soundtrack der vielleicht furchteinflößendsten Fire Emblem-Bösewichte mit euch teilen: der Loptous-Sekte aus FE: Genealogy of the Holy War.
Wir hatten eine ganze Reihe böser Zauberer/innen in der FE-Serie, aber für mich ist der Loptous-Kult nach wie vor noch am unheimlichsten. Passend dazu haben sie ein wirklich unheilvolles, bedrohlich klingendes Theme, das ihre bösen Machenschaften perfekt unterstreicht.
