@junklight highly recommend TouchDesigner coming from a #MaxMSP // #Python background. Did so myself!
@junklight highly recommend TouchDesigner coming from a #MaxMSP // #Python background. Did so myself!
Here's a composition of mine for 4 mobile phones! The performers use the accelerometer/gyroscope to send messages to Max/MSP and play/control sounds.
There's lots of glitchy noise and retro video game synths:
#ExperimentalMusic #FediMusic #Musodon #PeerTube #NoiseMusic #MaxMSP #ElectronicMusic #ContemporaryClassical #Percussion #ChamberMusic
Hello, I'm Orion, this is my Fediverse #introduction
I'm a musician from Nova Scotia, principally playing electric bass. Currently in my last year of study for undergrad music.
I am interested in contemporary #composition, #musicproduction, and performance, mainly in the realm of improvised music, new complexity, and jazz. #AbletonLive is my DAW of choice, dabbling in #MaxMSP and other software.
Other hobbies are #photography #ttrpg #linux #fountainpens #mma
@scorefollower shared one of my pieces!
It's for trumpet, trombone, percussion, and MIDI keyboard w/ Max/MSP, and it's got microtonal brass, glitchy noise, and cheesy DX7 sounds
#ContemporaryClassical #Synths #MaxMSP #ExperimentalMusic #Musodon @contemporarymusic @synths
I would love to hear your opinion: Which of those two simple networks would it make more sense (feels natural, expected, etc) to produce the result on the right - that is 4 circles aligned on the vertices of a square? 1) a circle to a square or 2) a square to circle ? Please leave a comment - there's no right or wrong answer here
Hi, I am a sound designer and engineer.
I like programming sounds with #pd, #maxmsp and hardware synths, DAW's, etc. But tools don't matter in the end as you probably know, aesthetics do -- and reverb algorithms. Do you know any?
I spent too much time with #linux and #haskell. I reaaaally don't like commercial ads. After all, is the internet post-modern?
My favorite emoticon is the smiling face with tear.
I toyed around with gabber:
Here's the RSS link for my blog if you're like me and love RSS: https://reillyspitzfaden.com/blog/feed.xml
New blog post! I talk about making this "broken radio" sound I posted about a few weeks ago: https://hachyderm.io/@reillypascal/112242684024114281
The sound is pretty involved, so this week I'm talking about just the glitchy looper part. I will make a part 2 soon, to talk about combining the looper with radio noises.
"Sounds a bit like early Scanner collaborating with a handful of classical musicians, but everyone is on datura (in a good way)."
Thanks to @etherdiver for a lovely review! You can read the blog post here, and make sure to check out the other musicians as well: https://www.etherdiver.com/2024/04/25/opm-electroacoustic-magic-and-more/
I added some broken-sounding tape speed/CD skipping FX to my current track!
I'm playing chords with a MIDI keyboard. The Max patch records me, and moving the pitch wheel up plays that back with speed changes, tape stops, and CD skipping.
Fun fact: both the synth and tape FX are in 20 equal divisions of the octave! The tape speed goes up/down by 720¢ (20-EDO 5th) or an octave.
I have a new track out today! https://applytriangle.bandcamp.com/track/if-this-reaches-you
It's a glitchy, experimental trio for flute, clarinet, and MIDI keyboard/Max. There are Morse code and other ham radio samples, electric piano, and bowed cardboard box, and it's surprisingly groovy.
The full album has 11 different composers, and you can find it here: https://applytriangle.bandcamp.com/album/oxalis-triangularis-vol-2
Skipping, glitching chords heard over a broken radio
I have a lofi piano/percussion beat with tons of vinyl noise; I chop it at the transients, randomly choose chops, and sometimes loop tiny fragments of them to get bleeps and glitches; and I combine the spectrum of that with some radio noise that's been put through tape speed effects.
I'm triggering playback with a MIDI keyboard.
New blog post — I have a track coming out April 12! it's on a new album by the electroacoustic trio Apply Triangle with works by 33 composers, and it was recorded remotely during lockdown.
I talk about collecting amateur radio samples to use in the piece, the album project, and there's even a poem.
#IndieWeb #Musodon #BandcampFriday #ContemporaryClassical #NoiseMusic #ExperimentalMusic #ElectronicMusic #HamRadio #MaxMSP @contemporarymusic
@axwax currently really enjoying music by @Lime: https://lime68k.bandcamp.com/track/dissec11
She makes glitchy, noisy electronic music in Max/MSP, Live, etc., and regularly posts cool sound design/composition updates.
I finally have an RSS feed for my blog! I was initially trying to figure out a way to automatically generate it based on my posts, but I found it was actually quite easy to type it out by hand.
REALLY stoked about this release! A lot of work went into this algorithmic music :)
#algorithmic #experimental #maxmsp
I'd be really happy to hear some feedback on that one. Anyone?
I'm setting up on PeerTube; here's another one of my compositions for MIDI keyboard, cello & percussion
The MIDI keyboard has DX7 E-PIANO 1 tuned to 19-EDO & glitchy "databending" samples. The cello has a wah pedal & small amp that feeds back with the cello's contact mic.
#musodon #experimentalmusic #noisemusic #contemporaryclassical #contemporarymusic #microtonal #xenharmonic #neuemusik #maxmsp #synth @synths @contemporarymusic
In this early 1970s documentary on MIT's electronic music studio Barry Vercroe demonstrates a GUI for what is probably a version of the MUSIC language: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ge6SxOmX5Xw This is the earliest instance of a visual programming language for music that I have come across so far #computerMusic, #computerMusicHistory, #blockDiagrams, #MaxMSP, #pureData
Here's one of my compositions I'm particularly proud of. It's for trumpet, trombone, percussion, and MIDI keyboard. There are cheesy Yamaha DX7 synth sounds, microtonal brass, and glitchy, distorted noise.
#Introduction #Introductions #NewHere #Musodon #Composer #ElectronicMusic #MaxMSP #NoiseMusic #GlitchMusic #Microtonal #Xenharmonic #Experimental #Noise #SynthMusic #ContemporaryClassical @synths @contemporarymusic