@Janet_52square @MakersHour @makershour@a.gup.pe
Yes please.
More questions for the #MakersHourBank is always welcome.
@Janet_52square @MakersHour @makershour@a.gup.pe
Yes please.
More questions for the #MakersHourBank is always welcome.
@MakersHour@cupoftea.social @makershour@a.gup.pe
Q5/A5 long supply chains? To make my making more local I would have to source tools and thread from local surplus or reuse like Seattle ReCreative.
Thank you all for a lovely #MakersHour. I wasn't sure I'd get through it tonight, but I'm glad I did.
@yvan @MakersHour @makershour@a.gup.pe
Lateral thinking!
I like it.
@MakersHour@cupoftea.social Q5: Most supply chains are pretty long these days. What would have to change to make your making more local?
A5 I think apart from the polymer clay as previously mentioned, most of my suppliers are UK based and many of my resources comes from charity shops so actually very local indeed. I’m also nuts about growing my own veg keeping chickens etc but that’s more cooking than making.
#MakersHour A5: I think the best thing I could do to shorten my supply chain is to move to Shenzhen.
@MakersHour@cupoftea.social @makershour@a.gup.pe I buy yarn locally, but I assume it comes quire a long way to get to the shop.i suppose that there would need to be local producers at a price I could afford #MakersHour
@MakersHour@cupoftea.social @makershour@a.gup.pe A5 Can the UK make its own semiconductors anytime soon...?
More realistically a cheap, massively automated PCB fab would be pretty neat locally.
But when small ones can come in at less than £1 a piece, including being posted from the other side of the world...
@MakersHour@cupoftea.social @makershour@a.gup.pe
A5 the EU needs to ramp up the affordable prototyping services. I'd love to not have to go to china when I need a prototype PCB.
@MakersHour@cupoftea.social @makershour@a.gup.pe A5: Cost… nothing local compares to the prices you can buy things from China. Whether it’s PCB fabrication or components, they all cost so much here (hell, even wood seems prohibitively expensive these days). #MakersHour
Q5: @MakersHour
Most supply chains are pretty long these days. What would have to change to make your making more local?
A5: When I need to buy hardwoods I go to TreeStation. They only take down trees if that have to come down for safety reasons, and then the timber is planked for sale. As they are local, and only work locally, I know that the timber is also local.
I could improve my supply chain by only sourcing my timber from them, but that isn’t always practical.
@MakersHour@cupoftea.social @makershour@a.gup.pe
A4 ok. I'm gonna throw a curve ball here. Most technologically advanced thing I use. Steel heat treatment. It's basically witchcraft to get it right. I'm still learning.
As for the most low tech? Hitting boiled rocks with a hammer...
@diyelectromusic @andy_warb @MakersHour @makershour@a.gup.pe
I have been wanting to hand plane a 149 block of wood, of my own, for a long time. I could scorch the surface to make it black.
Q5: Most supply chains are pretty long these days. What would have to change to make your making more local?
A4 I am really not very technologically minded at all. I am weighted heavily to the low-tech. However plans were hatched today to make a scientific secret bunker under the dolls house for Mrs M to conduct experiments
and develop her alter ego. This would stretch my making from the georgian era when Charlotte Square was built to the present day and beyond into the future!! #MakersHour @makershour
@andy_warb @MakersHour @makershour@a.gup.pe
I can imagine they are really really heavy!
There is also a lot of machining in one so I'm not likely to afford a couple anytime soon.
Actually 234 blocks, my mistake.
I saw them on Adam Savage Tested.
@MakersHour@cupoftea.social @makershour@a.gup.pe
A3 Oldest tools and techniques? needles and thread, hand sewing: prehistoric.
Newest tools and techniques: anything digital, including hand drafted PostScript polygons for piecing, all the social sharing and learning streams from Mastodon to YouTube to fabric art blogs; petroleum based fiber for fill and felt, Clover needle threader cutters (20th c I'm sure).
@MakersHour@cupoftea.social @makershour@a.gup.pe A4 Using a modern 32-bit microcontroller for digital signal processing and then converting it to an analog signal to hear what it has done...
Also, I document it all on a blog and distributed video platform, but often from hand-scribbled notes!
@MakersHour@cupoftea.social @makershour@a.gup.pe A4: my 3d printers are very high-tech and I guess the most low-tech are my paints (but together they make wonderful things!) #MakersHour
@MakersHour@cupoftea.social @makershour@a.gup.pe none of my making is very high tech! But I suppose writing on a computer is high tech, and knitting is an ancient craft. #MakersHour