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Cinder Well - Two Heads, Grey Mare


Free Dirt Records | InvidiousCinder Well - Two Heads, Grey Mare (Official Video)The official music video for "Two Heads, Grey Mare" from the new Cinder Well album 'Cadence." Out April 21 - https://lnk.to/cadence CREDITS: Filmmaker: Jordan Carroll Assistant: Jim Ghedi Shot in the Peak District of the UK "This song is about a human spending a night with a selkie-like vision who comes out of the water. The selkie disappears in the morning, and the human is left with an experience that they can't put their finger on, questioning reality and experiencing a huge sense of loss. I acted as both the human and the selkie in the music video, which to me portrays that we often look for an escape from ourselves, and we search for that in our external reality. In this case, the human finds this briefly and ecstatically, and then loses it again." - Cinder Well "The initial starting idea I was given for this concept was someone spending the night with a Selkie, but it disappears and the person begins to question everything. I researched a few folk tales and found one about a man falling in love with a Selkie and taking it back home to live together. But after some time the Selkie starts to miss the ocean and finds its way back to where it belongs. I liked the idea that the journey back and forth played a part in the story and that you could portray the mood through various textures around the landscape." - Jordan Carroll https://freedirt.net https://cinderwellmusic.com Connect with Free Dirt online… Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more great music Like us on Facebook: https://facebook.com/FreeDirtRecords Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/freedirtrecords Find us on Instagram: https://instagram.com/freedirtrecords Listen on SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/freedirtrecords

Drogi pamiętniczku, ja znowu o spaniu. Od lat nie dosypiam, bo siedzę po nocach bez większego sensu. Ale zwykle było tak, że w weekendy odsypiałem. I nie miało znaczenia, do której trzeba było spać. Ostatnio jednak coś się zaczęło zmieniać, bo bardzo łatwo budzę się rano. Nie wiem, czy to hałasy z ulicy, czy światło, ale coraz częściej budzę się w okolicach 6-7 i raczej już nie ma mowy o głębokim śnie. W ostatnim tygodniu raz chyba tylko obudził mnie budzik. Chodzę później jak zombie. Nawet na pooptooty nie mam sił. Więc kombinuję, co by tu zmienić.

W skrócie: dobrej nocy fedirodacy. Bądźcie grzeczni. Idę walczyć.

Kanaan - Amazon


(słuchał, bo już śpi)

Daði & Gagnamagnið – Think About Things

Eurowizja. I komu to przeszkadzało? Big Note posunęła się do sfingowania pandemii, żeby to przykryć.


Daði Freyr | InvidiousDaði Freyr (Daði & Gagnamagnið) – Think About Things (Official Video)Stream 'I'm Making An Album 1/3': https://dadifreyr.ffm.to/immakinganalbum1-3 Pre-save my new album: https://dadifreyr.ffm.to/newalbumpresave "Think About Things" (Official Video) by Daði Freyr Listen to "Think About Things" now: https://dadifreyr.lnk.to/thinkaboutthingsYD Play the game: Android: https://tinyurl.com/gagnamagnandroid IOS: https://tinyurl.com/gagnamagnios Daði & Gagnamagnið: Daði Freyr Pétursson Árný Fjóla Ásmundsdóttir Sigrún Birna Pétursdóttir Hulda Kristín Kolbrúnardóttir Stefán Hannesson Jóhann Sigurður Jóhannsson Produced by Andvari Productions Directed by Guðný Rós Þórhallsdóttir AD: Hákon Jens Helgason Cinematographer: Birta Rán Björgvinsdóttir AC: Andri Fannar Kjartansson Gaffer: Dagur Benedikt Reynisson Best Boy: Jón Atli Magnússon Grip: Víðir Hólm Ólafsson Make-up Artist: Elín Hanna Ríkarðsdóttir Assistant Make-up Artist: Hanna Björt Stefánsdóttir Props: Helena Rakel Sound Designer and Sound Recorder: Pétur Einarsson BTS Videographer: Þórhanna Inga Ómarsdóttir Editors: Birta Rán Björgvinsdóttir and Guðný Rós Þórhallsdóttir Colorist: Birta Rán Björgvinsdóttir Music & Lyrics: Daði Freyr Guitar: Pétur Karl Saxophone: Gísli Brynjarsson Backing Vocals: Arna Lára Pétursdóttir, Árný Fjóla Ásmundsdóttir, Hulda Kristín Kolbrúnardóttir and Sigrún Birna Pétursdóttir Additional Recordings: Arna Lára Pétursdóttir, Aron Ingi Albertsson and Bassi Ólafsson Mastering: Styrmir Hauksson Actors: Arnaldur Máni Finnsson Árdís G Erlendsdóttir Dagný Björg Elín Kristjánsdóttir Gunnar Gunnarsson Helen Gunnarsdóttir Sara Björg Brynjarsdóttir Þorfinnur Arnaldarson Dancers: Alexander Vigfússon Anna Birna Elvarsdóttir Arna Sif Þorgeirsdóttir Brynhildur Svavarsdóttir Elias Helgi Kofoed-Hansen Guðjón Andri Jóhannsson Guðni Heiðar Valentínusson Halldóra Þórdís Skúladóttir Hannes Öfjörð Jökull Logi Arnarsson Kristján Pálmi Ásmundsson Ólafur Bjarni Jóhannsson Sunneva Björk Helgadóttir Svanur Fannar Valentínusson Tinna Kristinsdóttir Valdís Björg Friðriksdóttir Ægir Freyr Hallgrímsson Special thanks to: ABC nytjamarkaður Ari Guðmundsson Áróra Björg Daðadóttir Dansverkstæðið Guðrún Jónsdóttir Hannes Þór Arason KUKL Kristján U. Kristjánsson KRYDD veitingahús NOCCO Ísland Follow Daði Freyr: Instagram: https://dadifreyr.lnk.to/instagramYD Facebook: https://dadifreyr.lnk.to/facebookYD Twitter: https://dadifreyr.lnk.to/twitterYD TikTok: https://dadifreyr.lnk.to/tiktokYD Spotify: https://dadifreyr.lnk.to/spotifyYD Apple Music: https://dadifreyr.lnk.to/applemusicYD VK: https://dadifreyr.lnk.to/vk-russiaYD "Think About Things" Lyrics: Baby, I can't wait to know Believe me, I'll always be there, so Though I know I love you I find it hard to see how you feel about me 'cause I don't understand you Oh, you are yet to learn how to speak When we first met I will never forget 'cause even though I didn't know you yet We were bound together, then and forever And I could never let you go Baby, I can't wait to know What do you think about things Believe me, I will always be there, so You can tell me anything and I'll listen When we are together There isn't anywhere that I would rather be Three birds of a feather I just hope you enjoy our company It's been some time And though hard to define As if the stars have started to align We are bound together, now and forever And I will never let you go Baby, I can't wait to know What do you think about things Believe me, I will always be there, so You can tell me anything and I'll listen I might even know what to say But either way, at least I'll be there Baby, I can't wait to know What do you think about things Believe me, I will always be there, so You can tell me anything and I'll listen #DadiFreyr #ThinkAboutThings