If you've done 6 impossible things this week, why not round it off with a trip onboard "thE grAvY trAIn" TONIGHT at 21:00 UTC! (2pm PST/5pm EST)
#DontPanic #thEgrAvYtrAIn #TextMode
#RetroComputing #BBS #ChipTunes #TrackerMusic #ANSIArt #ASCIIArt
If you've done 6 impossible things this week, why not round it off with a trip onboard "thE grAvY trAIn" TONIGHT at 21:00 UTC! (2pm PST/5pm EST)
#DontPanic #thEgrAvYtrAIn #TextMode
#RetroComputing #BBS #ChipTunes #TrackerMusic #ANSIArt #ASCIIArt
If you've done 6 impossible things this week, why not round it off with a trip onboard "thE grAvY trAIn" THIS SATURDAY at 21:00 UTC! (1pm PST/4pm EST)
#DontPanic #thEgrAvYtrAIn #TextMode
#RetroComputing #BBS #ChipTunes #TrackerMusic #ANSIArt #ASCIIArt
Mistodon: originally drawn in #pixelart as part of @grymmjack 's "food gang" as seen a few days ago, this saucy character was redrawn in #ANSIart as interface art for the new IMBIBE01 food-themed electronic magazine. We then took things a step further and also used him in a promo for Chicago's #textmode art-loving @paperthinpizza , purveyors of delicious pies and terrible Figlet logos.
I made a audio thing
If you've done 6 impossible things this week, why not round it off with a trip onboard "thE grAvY trAIn" TONIGHT at 21:00 UTC! (1pm PST/4pm EST)
#DontPanic #thEgrAvYtrAIn #TextMode
#RetroComputing #BBS #ChipTunes #TrackerMusic #ANSIArt #ASCIIArt
In recent weeks I've been playing "DDST," a fun adventure game for Atari ST BBSes that I had never tried before.
I *love* that it lets you save basically whenever you want. Makes it possible to avoid losing progress while exploring dungeons crowded with monsters and traps.
My wife took a quick peek while I was in a dungeon and asked if it was a QR code. Nope ... just some VT52 text art!
If you've done 6 impossible things this week, why not round it off with a trip onboard "thE grAvY trAIn" THIS SATURDAY at 21:00 UTC! (1pm PST/4pm EST)
#DontPanic #thEgrAvYtrAIn #TextMode
#RetroComputing #BBS #ChipTunes #TrackerMusic #ANSIArt #ASCIIArt
If you have the new SyncTerm, then check it out!
Telnet to GOF at guardian.synchro.net, port 23.
Set "Screen Mode" to "Atari ST 80x25" and "Font" to "Atari ST."
You can also see VT52 in action by visiting these other fine BBSes (running on actual Atari ST hardware):
Dark Force
STar Fleet HQ
Biker Bob's Clubhouse
The Cellar
Due to the new Atari ST VT52 support in SyncTerm, I added a VT52 logon screen to my "Guardian of Forever" BBS today.
GOF is a Synchronet BBS. I love Sync's JS support ... makes it easy to code interfaces, doors, etc. It's how I added IGS support before.
Anyway, most menus are still the stock Sync ASCII, but I hope to slowly add VT52-specific ones eventually.
If you've done 6 impossible things this week, why not round it off with a trip onboard "thE grAvY trAIn" TONIGHT at 21:00 UTC! (1pm PST/4pm EST)
#DontPanic #thEgrAvYtrAIn #TextMode
#RetroComputing #BBS #ChipTunes #TrackerMusic #ANSIArt #ASCIIArt
If you've done 6 impossible things this week, why not round it off with a trip onboard "thE grAvY trAIn" THIS SATURDAY at 21:00 UTC! (1pm PST/4pm EST)
#DontPanic #thEgrAvYtrAIn #TextMode
#RetroComputing #BBS #ChipTunes #TrackerMusic #ANSIArt #ASCIIArt
Back2Back UltraSyd in ~30 mins y'all!
Find the full schedule for @quantumradio here;
If you've done 6 impossible things this week, why not round it off with a trip onboard "thE grAvY trAIn" TONIGHT at 21:00 UTC! (1pm PST/4pm EST)
#DontPanic #thEgrAvYtrAIn #TextMode
#RetroComputing #BBS #ChipTunes #TrackerMusic #ANSIArt #ASCIIArt
If you've done 6 impossible things this week, why not round it off with a trip onboard "thE grAvY trAIn" THIS SATURDAY at 21:00 UTC! (1pm PST/4pm EST)
#DontPanic #thEgrAvYtrAIn #TextMode
#RetroComputing #BBS #ChipTunes #TrackerMusic #ANSIArt #ASCIIArt
FANSI had its own file format -- .FAN -- which I'm hoping to write a parser for.
I learned something new today from Eric March about the .FAN format.
The first ~6K is character data -- every character, along with its FG and BG color, for the 80 columns and 24 lines.
But the final 30K is bitmap data -- a full screen dump of the image as it is displayed in the editor.
Recently I've been working on a fork of libansilove and ansilove-c that adds support for using fonts and color palettes derived from the Atari ST programs ANSIterm and FANSI.
FANSI was a really slick ANSI editor for the ST from Eric March.
It was a godsend to me as a teen when it was released in 1994. Finally I had a way to draw my own ANSI art in the full 16 colors.
If only it had come out a few years earlier!
The first version of my textmode graphics editor made in/for Picotron is released!
Deuce recently added support for the Atari ST flavor of VT52 to his SyncTerm program.
I first requested this feature 14 years ago. I was so excited it finally happened, that I made a new VT52 animation to celebrate.
Plus I dug up six more that I have never seen published anywhere else.
If you've done 6 impossible things this week, why not round it off with a trip onboard "thE grAvY trAIn" TONIGHT at 21:00 UTC! (1pm PST/4pm EST)
#DontPanic #thEgrAvYtrAIn #TextMode
#RetroComputing #BBS #ChipTunes #TrackerMusic #ANSIArt #ASCIIArt