@lauren I disagree as @signalapp requires a #PhoneNumber = #PII & cost barrier and they restrict access based off #PhoneNumbers.
- Plus it's illegal in an increasing number if juristictions to gmeven attempt to acquire a phone number or SIM anonymously.
Whereas it's so easy and fast to get #TechIlliterates setup with #XMPP+#OMEMO (which uninke #Signal doesn't demand PII!) that I'd challenge you to a #speedrun with step-by-step documentation for every #TechIlliterate to follow along to setup Signal from scratch vs. me doing #XMPP+#OMEMO on @monocles @gajim.
- Cuz I did that on @cryptoparty / #CryptoParty / #CryptoParties quite often.
Also #Signal being #centralized makes it as vulnerable as any other #SingleVendor & #SingleProvider solution!
- Whereas even if #monocles were to shutdown, one could easily switch over to any other provider or #SelfHosting.
I'd not count on the #Trump-Regime not flexing #CloudAct against anyone they deem undesireable!