Air quality in the Central US is very, very bad. N95 mask, Corsi Rosenthal, stay indoors (IMHO). #AQI #dust #duststorm #PM10
Air quality in the Central US is very, very bad. N95 mask, Corsi Rosenthal, stay indoors (IMHO). #AQI #dust #duststorm #PM10
#trójstykgranic Niemcy w #Görlitz zaniepokojeni złym stanem powietrza w swoim mieście. Winią #Zgorzelec i opalanie domów węglem… Tylko że jak sprawdziłem czujniki w przygranicznym mieście, to u nas stężenie pyłów jest dwa razy niższe niż u nich. #powietrze #PM25 #PM10
EDIT - chyba znalazłem odpowiedź na tę zagadkę. Według #Windy ruch powietrza w naszym regionie jest znikomy, ale z zaciągiem od strony północnej. Może więc winnych warto poszukać, nie w Zgorzelcu a w elektrowni #Boxberg ?
A Regional Modelling Perspective On The Impacts On Central Asia Of Dust Emitted From The Aralkum, The Desiccated Lakebed Of The Aral Sea
-- <-- shared paper
#GIS #spatial #mapping #change #climatechange #loss #desiccation #exploitation #risk #hazard #Aral #AralSea #CentralAsia #Aralkum #Kyzylkum #Karakum #GarabogazkolBasin #AralDesert #desert #COSMOMUSCAT #model #modeling #water #hydrology #spatiotemporal #waterresources #waterbody #watersecurity #publichealth #aerosol #emissions #surfacewater #airquality #particulates #PM10 #pollution #wind #Kazahkstan #Uzbekistan #WHO #health #humanimpacts #lakebed
#Feinstaub-Werte #Graz wegen #Ballerei zu #Silvester
Mein Sensor ist Teil von diesem Netzwerk: (aktuell Performanceprobleme)
Auswirkungen von Feinstaub auf die #Gesundheit:
How #AirPollution is causing girls to get their first #periods earlier
New research shows that girls in the US are getting their first periods earlier. Exposure to toxic air is partly to blame.
By David Cox, June 4, 2024
"The same trend has also been noted around the world. South Korean scientists have described with some alarm how the number of girls displaying signs of precocious puberty – either breast development or #menstruation before the age of eight - increased 16-fold between 2008 and 2020.
"We're also seeing that these decreasing ages at puberty are even more pronounced in lower socioeconomic status groups, and ethnic minority groups," says Audrey Gaskins, an associate professor at Emory University in Atlanta, the US. "This has important implications for long-term health."
Researchers like Gaskins are primarily concerned that beginning puberty earlier might trigger a cascade of events which have far-reaching consequences later in adulthood. Emerging data suggests that it may not only curtail the fertility window, particularly if these women then enter menopause sooner, but shorten their lives. Precocious puberty has been repeatedly associated with a higher risk of diseases ranging from breast and ovarian cancers, metabolic syndromes such as obesity and type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease."
By David Cox, June 4, 2024
"For several decades, scientists around the world have become increasingly concerned by signs that girls are entering puberty at a much younger age compared with previous generations.
From when girls experience their first period, something which scientists term the age of menarche, to commencing breast development, these seminal changes marking the onset of adolescence appear to be taking place progressively sooner.
"American girls today have been estimated to start menstruation up to four years earlier compared to girls living a century ago. In May, new data showed that while girls born between 1950 and 1969 typically began menstruating at 12.5 years, this decreased to an average of 11.9 years for the generation born in the early 2000s.
"The same trend has also been noted around the world. South Korean scientists have described with some alarm how the number of girls displaying signs of precocious puberty – either breast development or menstruation before the age of eight - increased 16-fold between 2008 and 2020.
"'We're also seeing that these decreasing ages at puberty are even more pronounced in lower socioeconomic status groups, and ethnic minority groups,' says Audrey Gaskins, an associate professor at Emory University in Atlanta, the US. 'This has important implications for long-term health.'
"Researchers like Gaskins are primarily concerned that beginning puberty earlier might trigger a cascade of events which have far-reaching consequences later in adulthood. Emerging data suggests that it may not only curtail the fertility window, particularly if these women then enter menopause sooner, but shorten their lives. Precocious puberty has been repeatedly associated with a higher risk of diseases ranging from breast and ovarian cancers, metabolic syndromes such as obesity and type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.
"Some of the major culprits appear to be #ToxicGases such as #SulphurDioxide, #NitrogenDioxide, #CarbonMonoxide and #ozone, all of which are released into the air either through #VehicleEmissions or waste produced by #Manufacturing Plants. In 2022, a study from scientists in Poland, a country known for its poor air quality due to the prevalence of #coal-burning factories, examined data from 1,257 women, and found a link between greater exposure to nitrogen gases and menstruation occurring before the age of 11."
Der #Großbrand in der Nachbargemeinde, wegen welchem sogar eine NINA-Warnung ausgelöst wurde ("Fenster und Türen geschlossen halten") hat nichtmal im Ansatz die üblichen #Feinstaub|werte der winterlichen Heizsaison mit der #Luftbelastung durch Holz-/Pelletöfen (oft 2-4x so hoch) erreicht!
Kennt Ihr diese Außenluftdurchlässe, die in Wohnungen verbaut werden, um einen dauerhaften Luftaustausch zu haben? Vor einem halben Jahr habe ich spaßeshalber mal eine neue FFP3-Maske innen angeklebt. Das Ergebnis ist erschreckend. Der Dreck kommt jeden Tag in unsere Wohnungen! #Feinstaub #Luftqualität #Holzkamin #PM10 #Dieselskandal #München #LandshuterAllee
@Sabobine2 que vous dire ? de mettre un masque ? de déménager ? Tient le #Morvan ou j'habites n'est jamais en jaune, étonnant non ? enfin ultime solution : chasser le #PM10 avec une épuisette, pour le mettre ensuite dans un bocal pour le renvoyer ensuite aux pollueurs. Pas sûr qu'ils apprécient ! #pollution #cop27
Les rouges de l'Italie du Nord continuent de râler fort contre le pouvoir de Rome. Dans l'hexagone, les ch'tis se prennent des bouffées de pullutions venant de la région parisienne. Ils ne vont pas apprécier du tout, tandis que la bassin lyonnais et le bassin alsacien se disputent à savoir qui aura le plus de #PM10. #pollution #cop27 #climat
Lamp Sheds Light on Air Quality - It can be difficult to appreciate when the air quality is decent and when it’s poo... - #particulatematter #raspberrypizerow #particulates #raspberrypi #airquality #pm2.5 #pm10
Ooohhh, That Smell: Arduino Monitors Air Quality - According to [Dr. Tom Lehrer’s] song Pollution, “Wear a gas mask and a veil. Then ... - #arduinohacks #airpollution #novapmsensor #airquality #pollution #arduino #pm2.5 #pm10
Se fino agli anni sessanta il letame prodotto dal bestiame era considerato oro per una piccola azienda agricola, oggi è diventato un problema. Tutto è legato agli #allevamenti intensivi in cui poche e grandi aziende gestiscono migliaia di capi in piccoli spazi, con la necessità di smaltire i liquami prodotti che però producono grandi quantità di ammoniaca e nitrati con un forte impatto sia nella formazione del #Pm10, sia nell'#inquinamento delle falde acquifere. Solo pochi giorni fa è uscito uno studio preliminare della Società italiana di medicina ambientale che, in collaborazione con alcune università italiane, ipotizza una correlazione tra la diffusione del #coronavirus in pianura padana e l'inquinamento da Pm10.