Most likely I’ll be done this weekend. Then I can work on number 5. #Warhammer40k #KillTeam
Most likely I’ll be done this weekend. Then I can work on number 5. #Warhammer40k #KillTeam
Playing our first game of #KillTeam. I’m playing Blades of Khaine and my partner is playing Hand of Archon. Three hours in and about halfway done. #warhammer40k
The bolter hanging from his shoulder was the most fiddly part. #Warhammer40k #KillTeam
Did I mention I’m behind? This will be done tomorrow and I’ll have 8 more to complete. #Warhammer40k #KillTeam
#HobbyStreak day 666: Built the #KillTeam Hivestorm/Volkus terrain set (again), and I have also almost finished painting the #Marvel #GhostSpider model from yesterday. Too lazy for photos, you'll just have to imagine it.
Ifall ngn i Sverige skulle vilja köpa lite gubbar till #KillTeam eller #Necromunda, så har jag tre annonser ute på Tradera.
I currently rank as 73rd best #Killteam player in the UK, which is impressive given how bad I am at killteam
Re-#introduction now I’m a Dice.Camper!
I’m a relapsed #Miniatures #Hobbyist who’s gone from hating #Painting to absolutely loving it.
Mostly tooting about #Warhammer, #TheOldWorld, #Mordheim, and #KillTeam.
I boost lots of #hobby stuff (taps Alt text boiler plate caveat in the bio) and generally love a hobby natter.
Also a #DND player. I’m your type-cast chaos -monkey of the group. Walking accidental TPK.
Friend of mine bought the #Hivestorm terrain set, but is too lazy to paint it. I, on the other hand, have already painted my set, but want to give it another go. So we're trading. Gonna do it real good this time.
#KillTeam #Warhammer40k
#HobbyStreak day 666: got the Marines primed, put some rust on my #KillTeam bases, and glued the KT tokens to bases and put goop on them.
Last Saturday my teammates in Plasma Spam hosted a #killteam holiday narrative PVE event, Critmas!
"While crossing over Volkus’ city ruins, Santa’s sleigh has been shot down by the planet's anti-air defenses. Scattered across the battlegrounds are the valuable presents that were on their way to the good folks who earned them. But you and your partner care not and are here to plunder these Boons! But it won't be so easy, as Santa has sent out his sweet-elite reconnaissance treats to reclaim the haul. Will you and your teammate be able to snag the big haul this Critmas or suffer at the hands of the baked goods?!"
Re-#Intro/pinned post!
I’m a one of those relapsed #Miniatures #Hobbyist who’s gone from hating #Painting to absolutely loving #PaintingMiniatures.
Mostly tooting about #Warhammer, #TheOldWorld, and #KillTeam.
Always keen to share/boost hobby stuff (taps the Alt text boiler plate caveat in the bio). Generally just love a hobby natter.
Mod on the instance and a big advocate for this place.
Kill team ork kommandos kommando burna boy. All of the ork kommandos have now been painted.
I’ve printed off some score/turn trackers ahead of a weekend of Kill Team.
Downloaded from
- sort some of the more “game-y”/Meta aspects of KT would be nice (Thinking about some of the placement of operatives to deny charges, obscuring). It’s fine to retain, but making them cleaner and clearer? I don’t like an element that’s a “Gotcha”
- Overall on rules I’m hoping for an equivalent of WHFB 6th to 7th in size and shape. Tidy up not revolution, I think the game is 90/95% pitch perfect. (Well 7th minus the silly power creep of factions )
Anyone else churning through their thoughts on the new #KillTeam edition? For me:
- New Vespid look amazing, way better than I could have imagined them looking.
- Hive City is decent setting, I was a bit unsure of the rig setting of Season 3 of KT2.0
- I’m actually a bit sad about the shapes, it was a cool idea, admittedly not executed terribly well
Actual wargaming session today!
Kill Team with @k40s
#Warhammer #killteam