Ah !
Comment ai-je pu rater cet excellentissime article sur les #licences #OpenSource ?
Une (agréable – comme d’habitude) lecture indispensable pour comprendre en 5 min chrono !
NB : je cherche toujours un terme qui puisse remplacer « contaminante » pour les licences #copyleft, car je reste bloqué sur « se propage » qui ne me plaît pas trop (et « étend sa protection » – comme un vaccin ! –, c’est un peu trop long)…
I need a support group for people as pissed off as I am at corporations like Apple for keeping as many people as they do from making the most of modern computing while extracting as much as possible from those people.
When it comes to free software, do you side with Mario or Luigi?
@renan I agree with you in general, but there are some things that have to be said:
IP has four columns:
* patent
* copyright
* licence
* trade mark
Your points particularly address the 'patent' perspective, but also 'copyright' and 'licence'. However, the latter two can also be 'turned' to use in our favour for #OpenSource/#FLOSS (e.g. #CopyLeft).
But in the usual expression as applied by the commercial world, these *all* are pretty bad. And (software) patents just should *NOT* exist!
That's because executing, copying or loading into RAM computer code without the programmer's permission is a copyright infringement, and infringing someone's copyright is a criminal offence. Abetting or aiding in criminal offences is a criminal offence itself.
That could possibly even apply to #copyleft – if a licence does not permit the aforementioned actions for a combined work consisting of the copyleft program and a proprietary program.
Turning modified or extended versions of free software into proprietary software goes against our goal of eliminating proprietary software. It keeps users trapped, denying them the freedoms they deserve. If you're modifying free software, respect that freedom - keep it free. If you won't, then don't make it at all. Freedom for all users matters more. https://u.fsf.org/user-liberation #FreeSoftware #SoftwareFreedom #Copyleft
Has anyone done a legal assessment of the impact of Creative Commons licensing on LLM's? It seems to me that if an LLM ingests content that is CC BY it must include the Attribution on any output that used the CC content for training. It must also make that output available under the same license. Either CC licensing matters, or it doesn't.
#CreativeCommons #LLM #LLMs #AI #Licensing #Copyright #Copyleft
Estrenamos nuestra paginita WEB!
Para que te animes a conocer lo que hacemos.
Vecina del #fediverso ...
Si estás por #madrid
hay un #hacklab de corazón #copyleft latiendo en el barrio de Tetuán.
Haciendo & Aprendiendo #juntas
On this I Free Software Day, let's give a shoutout to @conservancy for their tireless work in copyleft compliance. The GPL and other copyleft licenses are only as strong as their enforcement, and their work keeps free software free. #ILoveFS #Copyleft #SoftwareFreedom #FreeSoftware
Let's not just make software free; let's keep it free. Copyleft ensures that once software is liberated, it stays that way. On this I Free Software Day, let's celebrate the power of the GPL and other copyleft licenses in protecting our rights!
#ILoveFS #Copyleft #SoftwareFreedom #FreeSoftware
Let's not just make software free; let's keep it free. Copyleft ensures that once software is liberated, it stays that way. On this I Free Software Day, let's celebrate the power of the GPL and other copyleft licenses in protecting our rights!
#ILoveFS #Copyleft #SoftwareFreedom #FreeSoftware
What is copyleft AI? What is copyleft data? How do we implement copyleft when it comes to data and AI and data used to train AI?
Happy to have 3 talks about the Cyber Resilience Act #CRA in the legal and policy devroom, which I co-organise for #FOSDEM
* The EU CRA and #Copyleft
* Legislative overlay: anticipating and navigating through regulatory vectors https://fosdem.org/2025/schedule/event/fosdem-2025-5325-legislative-overlay-anticipating-and-navigating-through-regulatory-vectors/
* CRA Q&A on #OpenSource Stewards under the Cyber Resilience Act https://fosdem.org/2025/schedule/event/fosdem-2025-6638-cra-q-a-on-open-source-stewards-under-the-cyber-resilience-act/
@Nicholasr_ITSulu @nixCraft nodds in agreement and since there are so many stakeholders with opposing interests and a #copyleft license, #GAFAMs can't #enshittify or #tivolize it!
I am producing and directing an animated series called "Lunatics!" about the first permanent settlers on the Moon, which attempts to be as realistic about this as possible, drawing on present-day technology, and much of the organizational culture around it.
It's a *free-culture* project: CC By-SA 4.0 licensed for episodes and most behind-the-scenes content. And an open movie project in that source files from Blender, Kdenlive, etc will be released with episodes. For this to be truly meaningful, we also rely on *free/open-source* software to produce it.
There is a #Pixelfed for the project itself:
and of course, a website for the series:
and the project:
This is my "professional" account, so I focus on topics related to my project: #Animation #Film #ScienceFiction #FreeSoftware #OpenSource #Copyright #Copyleft #Art #Blender #Kdenlive #CreativeCommons #FreeCulture #ShareAlike
I often post little progress reports and work-in-progress here.
I try to avoid partisan politics and other acrimonious subjects. Also trying to watch my language here, keeping it PG-13, let's say.
If you would like a less filtered version of me, I do have a personal #Hometown (basically #Mastodon but not quite) account as well:
NOTE: #Misskey allows a longer post length and also up to 16 images per post, which makes it a lot more convenient for my project posts. Buy you'll only see the first 4 images on Mastodon (there are 7 on this post, for example). There are subtle differences like this between #Fediverse platforms!