Today's scribble: A happy Nurgling enjoying his ice cream cone!
Probably most horrible ice cream flavours imagineable.
Today's scribble: A happy Nurgling enjoying his ice cream cone!
Probably most horrible ice cream flavours imagineable.
Fear to Tread by James Swallow
The Ankylosaurus Prime is done.
Found by The (Mad) Scientist's army, subdued and returned to the lab for indoctrination and militarization.
While making use of Tyranid biology for an interface for the mind control it was found that this being took to the genes well. This led to it growing many Tyranid arms.
It's bulk, brutality, and enthusiastic embrace of the cause has made him a perfect squad leader for the Army of the Second Law.
Finally got some good weather, so I’ve been outside priming some models! I figured I’d paint these space marines in the classic blue, while the two chaplains are in black.
My next job is to get some detail on all of these, but that might have to wait a while.
Lord Inquisitor Kyria Draxus reporting for duty.
I'm glad to finally have her on the table; I've been proxying her for far too long.
Custodian Wardens reporting for duty.
I love the robes on these models.
From a conversation with @hsorlie , I’m reminded of possibly my worst #warhammer40k pun:
Tau’sand Sons!
I don’t think I’ve shared this model here before, but it’s a conversion I’m particularly proud of. A fair bit was sculpted from plasticard or green stuff, and I especially liked the vibe.
The Primarchs by Christian Dunn
3/5 - Another ok collection of stories. The Alpha Legion one is interesting, the others are passable
After my 25-ish year hiatus from the hobby, the first miniatures I built and painted was a stealth battlesuit squad from the previous #tau #combatpatrol box, a little over a year ago. Because of that, it’s quite fun to paint a new squad now, and see how my skills have progressed. These are almost, but not quite, done. Maybe I’ll do comparisons with the old squad once they’re finished. #warhammercommunity #Warhammer40k #wh40k #MiniaturePainting #PaintingWarhammer #Warhammer #wip
Dread aught built, and I realise I’ve made a terrible mistake. Can you tell what it is?
Still, that’s all the combat patrol magazine models for Space Marines and Tyranids now assembled!
Today for day 416 of the#HobbStreak, I started work on my second Malcador
Morning all!
Finished building the Hive Tyrant model. I went for the setup with the Big Gun (which the instructions heavily pushed for), so I’ve got a sprue that’s mostly unused. Bit of a shame but there we go.
That’s the last Tyranid model in the series. Just the dreadnaught to go and then I can get started on painting!
So I promise this is the last part of the Space Marines and Tyranids section - the premium add-on for Combat Patrol’s first 20 issues. This set includes four giant sprues for a Brutalis Dreadnought and Hive Tyrant - both large models with lots of details.
Hey all!
Finished building that Chief Librarian, but I also found this Primarias Company Champion as a free gift for subscribing. Surely I must be done with Space Marines and Tyranids now, right?
So… it seems that I wasn’t quite at the end of the Space Marine segment of Combat Patrol. This Chief Librarian model just happened to sneak in as an optional magazine extra. Looks pretty neat!
Chaplain built! I’d never think this was a holy guy, but that’s what the book says. That’s one hefty motorcycle though.
I’m now done with all 20 Space Marine and Tyranid issues of the Combat Patrol magazine, so I should be finished with these factions, right?