Apple to redesign user interfaces
iOS, macOS and iPadOS will soon look similar to visionOS. Insiders have revealed this. For iPhones, it would be the biggest redesign since 2013.

Apple to redesign user interfaces
iOS, macOS and iPadOS will soon look similar to visionOS. Insiders have revealed this. For iPhones, it would be the biggest redesign since 2013.
Apple soll User Interfaces umbauen
iOS, macOS und iPadOS sollen bald so ähnlich ausschauen, wie visionOS. Das haben Insider verraten. Für iPhones wäre es der größte Umbau seit 2013.
You think you're cool because you buy a $500 phone with a picture of a fruit on it. Well guess what? They cost 8 bucks to make and I pee on every one!
Photo: @tom_fichtner_leipzig
Swift Student Challenge: Apple's programming competition enters the hot phase
Since 2020, Apple has been organizing an annual programming competition for pupils and students. Submissions are possible until February 23.
Swift Student Challenge: Apples Programmierwettbewerb geht in die heiße Phase
Seit dem Jahr 2020 richtet Apple jährlich einen Programmierwettbewerb für Schüler und Studenten aus. Bis zum 23. Februar sind Einreichungen möglich.
Dear Apple,
I hope this toot finds you well.
If you're planning major changes to Swift, Xcode, SwiftUI, iOS or macOS, then NOW is the time to ask for developer feedback so you can sort it out until WWDC.
The period between WWDC and September is holiday, and we're not your test .
Warm regards,
CarPlay 2.0 lebt: Hinweise in der iOS 18.3 Beta entdeckt
Apple hat mit der iOS 18.3 Beta neue Hoffnung für CarPlay 2.0 geweckt. Die ehrgeizige Überarbeitung, die erstmals auf der WWDC 2022 angekündigt wurde, schien lange in der Schwebe. Doch neue Einträge im Beta-Code zeigen, dass Apple weiterhi
#News #Services #Apple #CarPlay20 #Fahrzeugintegration #IOS183Beta #Klimasteuerung #Tachometer #WWDC
Gurman: Verzögerungen bei iOS 18 beeinflussen Entwicklung von iOS 19
Apples jährliche Software-Updates für das iPhone gelten als essenzieller Bestandteil des Benutzererlebnisses. Mit iOS 18 verfolgt Apple jedoch erstmals einen gestaffelte
#iPhone #News #AppleEntwickler #AppleIntelligence #AppleKI #IOS18 #IOS19 #IPhoneFunktionen #MarkGurman #SoftwareUpdates #VerzgerterRollout #WWDC
Apple builds a black box: how AI data should be processed securely
When Apple unveils new software in June, AI will play a major role. A new report reveals how data protection could work in the cloud.
iOS 18 and co.: Apple's AI cat is out of the bag - or not?
Apple seems to be doing as much as possible when it comes to AI, but only as little as necessary. Will the equation work out? An analysis of the WWDC keynote.
CarPlay: New functions in iOS 18 and details on the next generation
There is also some news for CarPlay users at the WWDC developer conference. There are several small changes in iOS 18.
Like the AirPods: iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 connect accessories more conveniently
The AirPods are also popular with users because they are so easy to set up. Eight years after their introduction, Apple is opening up the method to developers.
Apple WWDC developer conference: program announced
Apple has announced the program for its WWDC developer conference. A keynote video will be streamed online on June 10 at 7 p.m. German time.
Apple Intelligence: AI and software heads share insights on the Siri relaunch.
After the WWDC keynote, an unusual Q&A session took place in Apple Park in Cupertino. What other details the bosses revealed about Apple's AI.
Apple Design Awards: German developer wins prize for the third time
In the run-up to the WWDC developer conference, Apple has announced the winners of its App Awards. The champagne corks are also popping in Germany.
Wrapping up the 2-part series on the new Translation API from WWDC24, in this video, I’ll show you how to perform batch translations, translate text captured from your camera, or translate images from your photos. Watch here: #SwiftUI #iOSDev #WWDC
If your #iOS #developer team is struggling to move to #Swift 6/Xcode 16 due to #Apple’s new Swift #Concurrency changes, I highly recommend contacting @mattiem (or even reading his blog posts). He did a workshop for @foreflight that was incredibly valuable in learning about the new Swift 6 Concurrency changes.
I can't say enough positive things about his workshop and the content he prepared & presented. Consensus was that it was far more valuable and practical than any of the #WWDC sessions.
ChatGPT-Integration für Siri: Apple trifft Vorbereitungen
Apple arbeitet intensiv an der ChatGPT-Integration in seine Betriebssysteme, um Siri mit neuen, leistungsstarken KI-Funktionen zu erweitern. Bereits zur WWDC 2024 wurde die Integration angekündigt, und nun verdichten sic
#News #Services #Apple #AppleIntelligence #chatGPT #IOS18 #iPadOS #KnstlicheIntelligenz #macOS #Siri #TimCook #WWDC
I’ve heard this take a few times now, but @jsnell puts it best.
That said! This isn’t entirely true anymore. Apple is comfy showing software far in advance — the most impressive parts of Apple Intelligence will be lucky to get out before the next #WWDC.