Nice and sunny in #Oslo today. From my commute into work earlier
The view from the top of the Oslo Opera house was great today.
It started snowing again but honestly the cycle paths I was on where pretty good. I think there should be more cyclists out. If I can do it on a #unicycle
more could do it on a bicycle
An old dog learning new tricks! #unicycle #unicycling #unicyclelife #bigrob #CornellUniversity #UnicyclesArePractical
I am glad I have the four inch wide tyre. Hard to see here but at points there is bumpy ice under this snow and the tyre just absorbs the difference. You hardly feel it.
They say size doesn't matter but with the amount of snow building up, I'm not so sure so I've mounted the 4 inch wide tyre in preparation for tomorrow's commute.
I tried a little test run and it feels good.
Recently on the unicyclist forums there was a thread about what to do in the "winter, off season" but in all honesty I did not understand the question so I just ignored it.
In totally unrelated news I took a little clip from my ride home today.
It’s a story as old as time. You are out with your friends unicycling around in -10°C (14°F) temperatures and you feel like you need for a nice cold drink to cool down a bit, then you accidentally become part of the marketing material for the social media page of your local smoothie bar. No doubt it has happened to everyone here at some point.
I didn't know my picture was being taken, while I took a picture of my own.
I wish there was more snow but it's a beautiful day, so I'll take it.
Ok I decided to post this even though it is not mine, it is my friend's setup.
This is a 16 inch unicycle with a a brake, using a 3D printed brake mount, a self studded tyre and 45mm cranks.
And yes that is snow on the ground because this is clearly the perfect winter setup.
And people claim unicycles are not praticle! Ha… what a joke!
I absolutely love commuting to work. It is one of the highlights of my day.
You might too, if your trip is as nice as mine.
It has been a while since I cycled up to the top of the #Oslo Opera House, so I did on my late commute in today.
It is unseasonably hot outside at the moment. A balmy 6℃. I wore too much clothing and am now at the office drenched in sweat, which is … umm, lovely.
Ok we have had snow and ice
now in the mornings, so no more messing around. It's time to switch to the winter setup.
So @BendikJohan stumbled across this on TikTok and sent it my way.
Yes this is me. A rough translation of the commentary is,
"Fucking hell, I wish I could also give so little a fuck as that fucker. It is 8 in the morning, on a Tuesday"