Job - Alert
Deadline: 2025-04-15
Location: Germany, Jena, Thüringen
Job - Alert
Deadline: 2025-04-15
Location: Germany, Jena, Thüringen
Curious to see the Max Planck Fediverse buzzing? Then here's a Fediwall for you
The Fediwall application may be primarily made for large screens in public spaces to follow self-updating posts of curated accounts and hashtags, especially during events, but we think it's also a very fun and easy way to find relevant new profiles to follow!
And we have a few more for you in store later today ...
Am 11. Februar ist »International Day of Women & Girls in Science«!
Im Jahr 2025 feiert dieser wichtige @unesco-Tag sein 10-jähriges Jubiläum und setzt sich noch immer dafür ein, die Rolle der Frauen in den Wissenschaften zu verbessern und zu stärken.
Wir feiern diesen Tag in der nächsten Woche, indem wir #maxplanck Forscherinnen ihre Geschichte erzählen lassen. Folgt uns für mehr.
February 11 is the International Day of Women & Girls in Science! 2025 marks the 10th anniversary of this important @unesco day to build a future for women in science.
Join and follow us as we will tell the stories and share interviews with female #maxplanck researchers and their work.
The Max Planck PhDnet announces the Publication of the 2023 PhDnet survey report:
Planetary systems can be extremely different - and quite unlike the #SolarSystem. The new Lise Meitner Group at #MPSGoettingen headed by Joanna Drążkowska models planetary formation in a unified theory. Read more here:
image credit: Swen Pförtner für MPG
Die Erde und ihre Geschwister
In der aktuellen öffentlichen Vortragsreihe berichten Forschende von neuen Erkenntnissen rund um die Gesteinsplaneten unseres Sonnensystems.
Die Erde und ihre nächsten Verwandten, die Planeten Merkur, Venus und Mars, sind die Stars der diesjährigen öffentlichen Vortragsreihe am Max-Planck-Institut für Sonnensystemforschung (MPS). Die vier Gesteinsplaneten verbindet eine ähnliche Entstehungsgeschichte und ein gleichartiger Aufbau; gleichzeitig könnten die vier kosmischen Geschwister kaum unterschiedlicher sein. Während die Erde eine wasserreiche, belebte Welt wurde, ist der Merkur ein heißer, der Mars ein eisiger Wüstenplanet. Und die Venus hüllt sich in eine Wolkenschicht aus ätzender Schwefelsäure.
In der Zeit von Ende Januar bis April 2025 gibt die Vortragsreihe einen Überblick über die vier ungleichen Geschwister und geht aktuellen Forschungsfragen nach. Darunter: Ist der Merkur geologisch aktiv? Finden sich in der Atmosphäre der Venus Hinweise auf Leben? Was lernen wir aus den Zeugnissen frühesten Lebens auf der Erde? Und wann wird es möglich sein, eine Gesteinsprobe vom Mars zurück zur Erde zu bringen? Die Vorträge finden jeweils um 19 Uhr im Auditorium des MPS statt. Der Eintritt ist kostenlos. Eine Anmeldung ist nicht erforderlich.
Donnerstag, 30. Januar 2025, 19h
Donnerstag, 27. Februar 2025, 19h
Donnerstag, 13. März 2025, 19h
Donnerstag, 3. April 2025, 19h
Hörsaal, Max-Planck-Institut für Sonnensystemforschung, Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 3, 37077 Göttingen
At the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, applications are open for the 2025 MPIA Summer Internship for bachelor and master students anywhere in the world who wish to acquire hand-on experience in research and instrument development in astronomy.
Internship opportunities are fully funded, and more details can be found on their webpage:
Job - Alert
21 Interdisciplinary PhD positions in Ultrafast Science and Quantum Materials – IMPRS UFAST
Deadline: 2024-11-04
Location: Germany, Hamburg
Say hello to faster & easier #ProteinDesign. The Damietta server is a game-changer for #biomedicine & #biotech, paving the way for new medical breakthroughs. To learn more: #MaxPlanck @k_maksymenko @m_elgamacy @uktuebingen @MPI_Bio
Happy birthday, Max Planck!
Many know Max Planck as a brilliant physicist, #NobelPrize winner and the originator of #quantumtheory. But he was also a dedicated family man, a passionate musician and mountaineer as well as a skilled scientific organizer and networker. He was born on April 23rd, 1858, in Kiel / Germany.
@gutenberg_org Yes, #HappyBirthday to #physicist #MaxPlanck , who in 1900 was the founder of the #QuantumTheory - of #energy.
But a century earlier, using empirical data from 18th century #chemistry , #chemist #JohnDalton correctly postulated what could be called the #QuantumTheory of mass when he resurrected and modernized the #AncientGreek #philosophy of #Atomism attributed to #Democritus. #Histodons
Spring is here and the birds are singing a symphony of enchanting melodies. But how do social and environmental cues influence these songs? A new review by Daniela Vallentin's group gives a comprehensive overview of the different sensory and neural mechanisms that influence song learning and vocal communication in a wide range of songbirds:
Art by @somedonkey
How the brain spoils your appetite: A research team around Rüdiger Klein found the brain circuit that suppresses appetite when feeling nauseous. Special nerve cells are activated during nausea and elicit appetite-inhibiting signals which prevent eating.
Read more:
On the 35th anniversary of his death, we commemorate Konrad Lorenz today, a man with many histories: founding father of our institutes Seewiesen location, pioneer of behavior research, Nobel Prize laureate, but also a man with close ties to the Nazi regime.
Find out all about his life and research in his digital story:
#maxplanck #KonradLorenz #nobelprize #nobel
#verhaltensbiologie #nobelpreis #wisskomm #scicomm #wissenschaft #wissenschaftskommunikation
Attention Postdocs: Get the chance to visit our institute and present & discuss your research! We invite postdocs in neuroscience, ecology and other fields related to our research to apply for our emerging scientist talk series.
Apply until February 29th:
Art by @somedonkey
The Max Planck Society stands for diversity and an open society! Yesterday, we joined the protests against right-wing extremism in Munich.
Read also the statement of the MPG president on this:
@mcnees Yes, #MaxPlanck correctly hypothesized that energy is quantized in 1900, and this is properly celebrated on #QuantumDay.
But #JohnDalton had hypothesized, and just as correctly, that *mass* is quantized almost 100 years earlier when he published his #AtomicTheory.
See these happy aspiring marine scientists? You can be one of them!
Apply now (before February 28, 2024) for our #MaxPlanck #MSc/#PhD program on #marine #microbiology IMPRS MarMic!
Learn more and apply here:
Let's take an interdisciplinary journey into marine microbiology, molecular biology, biochemistry, evolution, & more!
@gutenberg_org OTD in 1900, #MaxPlanck introduced the concept of *energy* quanta.
But #JohnDalton introduced the concept of *mass* quanta almost a century earlier when he proposed the modern #AtomicTheory.