#Bitwarden extension just disappeared from my Arc, WTF
#Bitwarden extension just disappeared from my Arc, WTF
Setting up #vaultwarden (the open source backend for #Bitwarden) was almost worryingly easy. Had it up and running behind Caddy in less than 15 minutes, including export and import of my Bitwarden vault. Neat!
Have any of you swapped your #BitWarden host from .com to .eu?
Was it as easy as the guide suggests?
Bit worried about having to move all the accounts as I'm on the "Families" plan with multiple users.
Is it worth doing?
(Looking for people with actual experience. No need to reply if you're going to suggest a different password manager. Ta!)
Bitwardenin holvi siirretty USA:n datakeskuksesta EU:n datakeskukseen!
Harmillisesti tilausta ei voi siirtää, joten sen kohdalla jouduin olemaan yhteydessä asiakaspalveluun.
Bitwarden ei suoraan tue tilin siirtoa datakeskuksesta toiseen, mutta se onnistuu varsin vaivattomasti näin:
1. Vie nykyinen holvisi erilliseen tiedostoon Bitwardenin omalla Export-työkalulla
2. Luo itsellesi uusi tili EU-datakeskukseen https://vault.bitwarden.eu (voit käyttää samaa sähköpostiosoitetta)
3. Tuo holvisi sisältö erillisestä tiedostosta Bitwardenin omalla Import-työkalulla
4. Ota yhteyttä asiakaspalveluun, mikäli et käytä ilmaista tunnusta ja haluat siirtää tilauksesi: https://bitwarden.com/contact/
5. Poista halutessasi tili USA:n datakeskuksesta kun olet varma, että EU:n tili toimii.
Lisäys: 4. kohtaan liittyen sain vastuksen asiakaspalvelusta ja he halusivat, että vahvistan siirron, erikseen sähköpostilla. Sen jälkeen he hoitivat siirron ja tämä kaikki tapahtui saman päivän aikana.
Malicious Chrome extension can spoof password-managers...! https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/malicious-chrome-extensions-can-spoof-password-managers-in-new-attack/
Hope to get some statement from the big players on the market!
(Proton will probably not answer, as they went away from fediverse) #passwordmanager #1password
#bitwarden #protonpass CC: @1password / @bitwarden / @protonprivacy / @keepassxc
Zum Thema #unplugtrump :
Es gab eine Liste mit deren Hilfe man nach Alternativen schauen kann. Ich finde sie leider nicht mehr.
Dabei geht’s mir um #Bitwarden. Anforderungen: komfortabel, Sync, Windows, MacOS, iOS
Keypass kommt nicht in Frage
#Bitwarden makes it harder to hack password vaults without #MFA
#Opensource password manager Bitwarden is adding an extra layer of security for accounts that are not protected by two-factor authentication, requiring email verification before allowing access to accounts.
When a potentially suspicious login attempt is detected, like from an unrecognized device, the user will now prompted to confirm the action by entering a verification code they received via email.
I updated #BitSailor - my #BitWarden client for #SailfishOS to support the otpauth:// scheme and added support for SHA256 and SHA512.
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Un gestor de contraseñas en tu bolsillo con Vaultwarden y Wireguard #programas #seguridad #sysadmin #bitwarden #raspberrypi #vaultwarden #vpn #wireguard
@iam después de escuchar el último @comopiensodigo acerca de las #PassKeys, lo que yo he hecho ( hasta que los navegadores en #Linux las soporten ) es usar #Bitwarden, lo malo que tendrás que generar dos por cada servicio una para Apple y otra para Bitwarden .... jardines
Storing passwords in your browser is not secure. It's better to use a password manager.
Learn more at the link:
#password #manager #bitwarden #infosec #security #tech #hacking #data #hackers
@aircorridor #Bitwarden is open source, but it is not free software
Bitwarden: the ultimate private password manager!
Open-source, zero-knowledge encryption, and 2FA keep your data safe.
Learn why it’s a top choice for security in our deep dive.
#password #manager #bitwarden #infosec #security
Warum #Bitwarden als #passwortmanager nutzen?
Weil es #OpenSource ist? Reicht das als Begründung? Immerhin ist der Hauptsitz in Californien, #USA. Und dort geht es gerade drunter & drüber. Wie zuverlässig sind also meine Passwörter da sicher gespeichert?
Welche Alternativen gibt es in #Europa?
I Love Free Software Day!
If you'd like to donate, we've put together a list of some donation links.
As usual, if you know of any links and it's not listed, please comment on this post with the link and software.
We've more to thank:
Introducing #Bitwarden Cupid Vault to securely share (and unshare) #passwords with loved ones
Happy #iloveFS day! Spending Valentine’s with my SO chilling with some #python shenanigans.
That all wouldn’t be possible without all the great #foss tools we’re using. Some that I especially want to thank today are:
#grafana #opensuse #vscodium #mastodon #kde #OrganicMaps #bitwarden #matrix #ubuntu #linux #vlc #blender #homeassistant #Zellij #lemmy #postgreSQL #asahilinux
thanks everyone for your dedication.
¿Cuantas contraseñas utilizás?
Para el correo, mastodon, netflix, el banco, etc..
#seguridadinformatica #filtraciones #agesic #bitwarden #protonpass #keepass #hackeo #contraseñas #password #passwordmanager